The Open Idolatry of the Philadelphia Church of God

I suppose it just had to happen sooner or later.  The Philadelphia Church of God vultures are now out in force.  According to Exit Support Network, PCG membership continues to dwindle.  In 1997, there were 5,000 members, but by 2009, there were only 3,800.  Furthermore, they have supposedly stopped giving…

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Shadows Poll Disturbing But Not Surprising

Shadows of WCG Next Generation posted the preliminary results of a poll.  AFAIK, the poll is still open for voting, though.  While I don’t endorse everything on the site, “J” has, at least IMO, bent over backwards to give credit where credit is due and vice-versa. The poll really is…

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Bowing to the Pope, Part 1: The Trinity

A Pretty Unbiased Look at Nontrinitarianism It appears that the AllExperts website now has an entry on Nontrinitarianism.  It mentions history, paganism, Mormonism and even the “Sabbatarian Church of God” movement.  It is an excellent effort at remaining objective, taking into account the various flavors of nontrinitarianism. There is even…

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With a Prophet, Prophet Here and a Prophet, Prophet There … Everywhere a Prophet-Prophet

Dr Robert Thiel, aka “COGWriter”, wrote a truism on his blog, Church of God News recently wrote in relation to false prophet Ronald Weinland: Because of false prophets, people seem less willing to believe the true predictions of God’s word as explained by His servants.  But whether people believe the…

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Reflections: Pentecost and The Rod of Iron

“Potter” Image courtesy of dan / Happy Pentecost! This is being posted on Pentecost, a day that commemorates Jesus sending the Holy Spirit to His Church. The Holy Spirit, of course, reminds me of the “rod of iron”. What’s that? It doesn’t remind you of the “rod of iron”?…

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Wars Happen

I want to get this off my chest before the week is out. Political Idolatry I have asked the question before “Politics: The New Religion?” It seems that this ideological bent even pervades the world’s churches. I go to a Church of God (COG), and so I don’t know what…

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