Other Commentaries on False Leaders, Both Civil and Religious

False leaders with their false ideas and those who follow them are always sucked in by arrogance, ignorance or both. The King and Queen of Hearts hold court to determine who stole the tarts, one of the legendary stories perhaps based upon the foibles of bad leadership. Altered and scaled…

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Can you get to Heaven by being Good?

No, but not for the reasons you’ve probably been told! Photo Credit, David Niblack, Imagebase.net [Originally published on Helium 02-10-2009] Can you get to Heaven by being good? Can you get to Heaven at all? What is the reward of the saved? What does the Bible say? You may be surprised to…

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You Cannot Always Make Things Better, But You Can Always Make Them Worse, Part 2

If the cure kills the patient, she isn’t sick any longer, so it must’ve worked. From Despair, Inc. Used under the “promise to throw an online tantrum when we ask you politely to stop” license. 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. ~ Jas 1:20

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Super Heroes, Authority and Microclimates (Microcultures)

32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. ~ Lk 12:32 I suppose I’m getting old. I don’t know about you, but I like the old heroes the best.  I don’t think it boring that the good guys wear white hats…

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The 4 Women of Revelation, Conclusion: Is the Church Your Mother?

Statue of mother and child (public domain) God’s love is like a mother’s love for her children, but God’s love goes much deeper. God’s true Church conducts herself as a caring mother toward her children. Old Testament Israel was thought of as a mother and her citizens as her children….

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