Arizona Gov Brewer Vetoes “Anti-Gay” Bill

  Proof that Gov Brewer doesn’t always wag her finger at Presidents Late yesterday, CNN reported “Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes controversial “anti-gay” bill“.  The piece acknowledged the sharp divide over this bill, to their credit.  Brewer called the bill too “broadly worded”, fearing that it might have unintended consequences.

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Media “Anti-Gay” Lies and How the “Party of Family Values” Is Complicit in Political Correctness (aka “Land of the Complacent and Home of the Politically Fearful”)

The religious persecution of conservative Christians is only beginning Gov of Arizona Jan Brewer at reopening of Grand Canyon National Park, 2013 Photo by Grand Canyon National Park service, used under CCA license Your “news” media is lying to you.  If you are shocked by that, you haven’t been paying…

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