Tag: politics
Reaping the Whirlwind: Sanctuary for Syrian Refugees
Loonie Lefties & Reprobate Righties
Americans are caught between the ideologies of the extremes. I don’t care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper ~ Tweet by Ann Coulter I have written before about how American neo-liberalism is a progressive mental disease (and, yes, I did use…
Loonie Lefties & Reprobate Righties
Americans are caught between the ideologies of the extremes. I don’t care if @realDonaldTrump wants to perform abortions in White House after this immigration policy paper ~ Tweet by Ann Coulter I have written before about how American neo-liberalism is a progressive mental disease (and, yes, I did use…
Moral Crisis in Societal Institutions
More than a few try to argue for a #PrivateMoralityVsPublicMorality and separate out morality from public affairs and discourse, and thus we are reaping the results. Ever hear of someone talk about the “good ol’ days”? When were they, exactly?
Because Politics Causes Injustices
How lies are tearing us apart, and Ferguson is just a microcosm of why politics is not the answer. Monty: We come now to the Big Deal section of the show, and before you are three liars. Each one lies at various rates and about various things, but each one…
Media “Anti-Gay” Lies and How the “Party of Family Values” Is Complicit in Political Correctness (aka “Land of the Complacent and Home of the Politically Fearful”)
The religious persecution of conservative Christians is only beginning Gov of Arizona Jan Brewer at reopening of Grand Canyon National Park, 2013 Photo by Grand Canyon National Park service, used under CCA license Your “news” media is lying to you. If you are shocked by that, you haven’t been paying…
Syria: We Have Painted Ourselves Into a Corner
Fox News posted a video “Would US strike leave Syria ripe for jihadi takeover?” in which Middle East journalist Lisa Daftari outlines why she believes a strike at Syria could open up Syria to be taken over by extreme Islamists/jihadists.